Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Things To Try While Out I - Coffee Tequila

The first of these snappily acronymed TTTWO posts is going to be about a taste sensation, literally the best way to ever drink tequila (short of rubbing salt in your eye, lemon in your mouth and the drink itself up your nose,) and comes with my own seal of approval. Normally the suggestion to 'get some tequilas in' heralds a new, messy, and rather daunting part of any night out, and with the exception of juicetastic Sex On The Beach cocktails, is a taste that leaves even the heartiest Mexican a little sour.

However, it's possible to buy a certain type of tequila produced by Mexican company Patrón, which has all the regular tequila potency, but tastes rather delightful as well. The secret ingredient is to combine the already refined taste of Patrón Silver with natural coffee essence to produce a blend called Patrón XO Cafe. It tastes warm and rich, and for someone who normally struggles with tequila shots, after a reluctant first try earlier this year, I fell in love with it!

It turns tequila into a little, rather scrumptious art form and whether in mixed drink, cocktail or even just to be sipped, it swoons in refinement and luxury. For a company that hand numbers each bottle that it produces, any large quantities of Patrón are best left for those of a more comfortable wallet size, but as a single shot it's rather affordable, and if anyone still has any Wetherspoon's Booklets left from the start of term, there are two £1.99 Patrón XO shot vouchers tucked away inside.

Although it's likely to be found at most well stocked bars around the city, places where you're certain to be in with a shot (apologies for a dreadful pun) include Gassy Jack's, any of the many Wetherspoon's and Lab 22. The company also has a social club online that gives you ideas for cocktails and relevant events, but most importantly gave me the next Patrón I want to desparately try.
Released in February this year, Patrón have released a new coffee and chocolate flavoured tequila called XO Cafe Dark Cocoa, and as soon as I find some frequenting Wales, it's most definitely tequila time!

Patrón XO Cafe
Drink it while snacking on: Mexican Tapas (Just cause it's culturally similar and all that!)
Drink it while listening to: Digitalism - 2 Hearts (Techno Remix)
Mix it with: Bourbon and Blackberries to create a cocktail entitled 'At Midnite' - Recipe below:

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